Hello again

This is a distortion and wavefolding circuit built around the CD4069 IC. There are 6 gates on the chip, so its possible to build 3 of the folder/clipper circuits. These could be chained in series or used separately. One could also build a single folder and use the other gates of the IC for an oscillator. There is a quad opamp to make a mid reference voltage and to buffer the inputs of the folder for a low impedance signal to supply the circuit.

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Basic idea here is like most folders as far as I know. A clipped and inverted signal is mixed with an unclipped and verted signal. The 4069 has a nice smooth clipping characteristic. By closing any one of the switches (S1-S3) the mixture of the signals changes so as to end up with only the clipped signal at the output.

Bill of Materials Revision 0

BT1, BT2, BT3, BT4, BT5, BT6 BT 6 Link
C1, C3, C5 105 3 Link
C2, C4, C6 10uF 3 Link
R1, R2, R7, R11, R16, R19, R21, R28, R31 104 9 Link
R3, R4, R14, R15, R24, R25, R26, R27 223 8 Link
R5, R9, R10, R12, R13, R18, R22, R23, R30 473 9 Link
R6, R17, R29 472 3 Link
R8, R20, R32 102 3 Link
RV1, RV2, RV3 POT 3 Link
SW1, SW2, SW3 SW_SPST 3 Link
U1 CD4069 1 Link
U3 TL074 1 Link

send me an email if you build it! if you find some issues please let me know as well.

mill dot lorre at g mail dot com

