If you are looking for info about the first two versions of the double knot, the links are here V1 and V2
The Double Knot v3 is a small generative synthesizer with two voices and corresponding sequencers. This instrument has a simple architecture which is capable of a wide variety of sounds, including rhythms and drum patterns or textural and grating noise sounds. The interface is made up of knobs, switches, and banana plugs for patching. The two voices of this device each consist of a triangle/square wave oscillator, a shift register sequencer, an enveloper, and a voltage controlled amplifier. A clock sets the tempo of the shift registers.
The voices of the Double Knot are pre-wired, in a linear chain of functional blocks. The patch points are available to route modulations, influencing the simple linear voices. The game of this device is to investigate the relationships between the elements of the synth using the knobs, switches and patch-points.
How many banana cables do I need? and what length?
8 or 10 cables around 12" long is a great start.
Can I patch this with my other synth?
I can only say what is safe for this synth. The banana ports of this device can handle max +/- 8V at all inputs and outputs assuming at least a 1k output impedance in the other device. The response range of the voltage inputs is ~1.2v - 8V (range of a TL07x powered by 9V).
Is this synth good by itself, or does it rely on other devices to be useful?
I think some good sounds can be had using this device and a handful of banana cables.
Render by The Wind Spirit
Synth + Printed Manual + Power Supply (US plug)
Demos are dry. No effects or editing.